Nicolas, Kyle, Addyson

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Why we do what we do.

How many times do you find yourself working late at night after putting in a full day of work? Night after night, it gets to the point that your family thinks that you are avoiding them. You have become a 24/7 workaholic. You see more of a computer screen than you do of your wife and children put together. They wonder why you are doing it. You're not getting richer, just more tired. The "Honey Do" list keeps getting longer and your lack of help around the house is starting to stress the whole situation even more.

So why do we do what we do? Are we just chasing a childhood dream? That would probably depend on your age, up bring and a whole lot of other things that were probably beyond your control. Most people in America and from my generation had some strict fundamental beliefs taught to them daily. You were to respect your elders, be truthful, treat women like ladies all of the time, work hard, putting in a good day's labor.  More importantly go to school and get a good education. That way, you can get into a good college for a better education and eventually a great JOB. So you in turn can get married, have a family, bringing them up with the same guidelines that you were raised with. This might have worked out like clockwork if the world would have came to a complete stop and time stood still.

Well as we all know that never happened. All the children who listened to their parents and heeded their words of wisdom, for the most part fulfilled the expectations of their forefathers. They got their good education, better jobs and as all the technology came together; life in America and the world changed. Outside forces came into play, communications kept getting better and easier to use. Television and movies started to show everybody a new way of living.

Advances in every aspect of day to day living changed and the old standards of living were going out the door as fast as the new ways were coming in. Peer pressure was still around, but it now was multiplied by a 1000 time or more and  now it is a constant onslaught. So as time move on life styles changed. Instantaneously people were finding out what happened across the ocean sooner then what happened down the street. Change is inevitable and with it came the good and the bad. Not blaming anybody for what has taken place in the last 100 years, some people will gladly step forth a claim responsibility. while others will step forth blaming everybody else.  It  happened and we probably should all shoulder our share of the responsibility. This country and world is in terrible shape. Be it financially, morally, medically, politically, religiously, environmentally; it doesn't matter.  Step out your front door, turn on the television, connect to the internet it you are faced with it everywhere. Very few people are getting rich and unfortunately many more are having a hard time surviving, just the day to day existence is becoming a struggle. Everything costs more and very few people are keeping pace with the rising cost of living.

So now you know, Why We Do What We Do. Everyday more and more people are turning to the internet. Hoping and trying to figure out how to catch that elusive dream; of just making it through to the end of the month.  Getting all our monthly bills, rent/mortgage, utilities, car payment, medical and all the insurance policies paid on time.  With enough left over for groceries and maybe just maybe saving a little for the kid’s college and our own retirement.

Millions upon millions of people everyday are turning to the internet and home based business hoping to survive. The good news out there; is that the ones who are serious; are turning things around. They are figuring it out and there are a lot of people realizing that the more they help others the better off this whole  world will be. As people worldwide connect and start interacting with each other, friendships will develop and suspicions will fade. Granted there are a lot of shady characters out there preying on the unsuspecting, but there are a lot of good people out there also. My advice is take it slow; you can check out anything and anybody on the internet just do a search and take your time to figure it out. When you do find something, stick with it, get it paying for itself and then expand.

I am a relative newbie out there and I have made a lot of the classic newbie (beginner) mistakes, but I am learning and I haven't quit. Slowly and steadily I am figuring it out and I will share my knowledge with anybody and everybody. I have just recently built my own website, and I will tell you this, it is definitely a work in progress. Every day it grows and more things are added and every day I go back and fix links that are not quite the way I want them. My good friend   Randy Ritter  and I talk  daily. I feature his Top Flight Traffic Exchange on my website.  He is a great mentor and for the days I don't talk to him, I will make it up on the days I talk to him numerous times.

So stop by my website every now and then, check it out. Keep in touch with my blog "Raymond Anderson's Diamond Bits", I promise not to ramble on as I have today.   Sometime it might just be interesting quotes, other time maybe I will let you know about something new on the scene.  Got questions I will have or find an answer.  I have a lot of information about Diamond Rewards,  but I also have links to other business opportunities and links to Traffic Exchanges which all have a free version and all can be upgraded.

Remember I am here to help.  Raymond

The Road to Success is Paved with Money and Diamonds… Let Me Show You The Way.  Visit me at sign my guest book and leave a comment; let me know how I can improve it, or any problems you have encountered.

Here is s free gift for you, check out Tony Tezak’s Traffic Exchange Solutions, sign up for it here.

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