Nicolas, Kyle, Addyson

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stop, take a minute or two and figure out the 3 "Ws".

Sunday morning was my youngest daughter's High School Baccalaureate Mass and the Priest who said Mass was once a Pastor at our church. He was filling in for our present Pastor who had to be somewhere else. When it came time for the sermon he started it off with a story about a cowboy who found himself out it the middle of nowhere when it became dark. So he camped for the night and come sun up, he was hungry. So he got out his cooking stuff; got everything ready and discovered that there was no wood to be found anywhere. He finally decided that if he set the grass on fire he could cook his breakfast over that. Well long story short when his breakfast was finally cooked he found himself three miles across the prairie and away from his camp. The cowboy knew he wanted breakfast and when he wanted it that morning and he knew where he wanted it; at his camp. The only trouble the cowboy had was that he got so focused on the cooking aspect of his breakfast that he lost sight of everything else and ended up having to back track to where he had started. The cowboy did finally accomplish his goal of cooking his breakfast and he didn't give up. It just took him a lot longer to get there and a lot of wasted effort.

This is a very similar problem with a lot of new internet marketers today; they know the 3 "Ws", what, where and when. They all know WHAT they want, WHERE they want to be and WHEN they want to be there. The trouble is they don't always think about or plan out a course of action to follow. Some of them do get what they want, a lot of them get no where close to where they wanted to be or when they wanted to be there. The reason being is that along the way they got side tracked by something and end up way off course. Finally, some just get tired of chasing their dream and give up because it has taken them way past their when of their wanting to be there. Goal planing is a big part of being successful at the 3 "Ws".  Actually it should be the 4 "Ws", with the forth one being "WHO". The WHO is the most important one of the Ws. This is the person or persons who you are going to find to guide you along the way to achieve your What, Where and When. There are a lot of good people on the internet today who are very willing to help you. There is a very large percentage of Network Marketers who are willing to help you out for the sheer joy of having the chance to help another person succeed.

So when you start the planning stage of your home based business, be it to just supplement your income or to have it become a full time business where you replace your boss by becoming the BOSS. Remember that there are 4 "Ws" and when you start the planning your home business you need to set some goals. When setting your goals don't forget to remember that the WHO is just as important as the WHAT, WHERE and WHEN.  Having a good mentor to help you along the way is very important. They have been down the same road that you are traveling and know the shortcuts and detours involved with getting to What you want, Where and When you want to be there.

The Road To Success Is Paved With Money and Diamonds… Let Me Show You The Way.  Check out my website,  If you have questions or suggestions post a comment.  Helping you along the way is the best way for me to learn, because when you come to me with a question and I don't know the answer, I know a lot of people, who know a lot of people and together we will find an answer.   When we do we all win.  Until the next time May God be with You and help Guide you down the road to success.  Raymond

"If you want to be happy, set a goal that
commands your thoughts, liberates your
energy, and inspires your hopes." 
- Andrew Carnegie

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